Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Untapped Potential

Last night, instead of doing the cleaning around the house that I desperately need to do in preparation for the house guest we'll be having with us this weekend, I went to Jennie Breeden's house to help her sort through kilt photos. After eating much steak and chocolate cake (remember the cake - it figures in later) we sat down for the sorting. [For the uninformed, we were sorting through photos from DragonCon, during which we had set up in a corner of the Mariott lobby with a leafblower, photographer, and model release forms, and then proceeded to photograph men getting their "skirts" blown up by Jennie (shhhhhh.... keep it on the down-low). Affirmative action at its best.] I have never seen so many hairy man parts in my entire life (and I was present for the actual event, having been the one in charge of the release forms), and it got me to thinking; I don't know that I ever knew where the site was, but at Knitch this past weekend I saw photos of a certain gentleman and his "willy warmer." I have had the revelation that the kilt event is an untapped goldmine of men who desperately need said "willy warmer." It's got to get drafty under the kilt, and I know we women would not object (I mean, really - I think you're lying if you say you'd like to see that much anonymous wang).

Sooooo... yeah. And then when I got home with the remains of my cake, I dropped the cake onto my half-finished Easy Feather and Fan Scarf (I'll post pictures soon) that I started after visiting StringTown, which was a marvelously pleasant surprise to an otherwise Arkansas visit to the parents (yes, I'm using Arkansas as an adjective, and yes, I think it's appropriate). Miraculously, even though icing sat on it all night, the knitting has escaped unscathed although I had to toss the Knitsch bag it was living in.

Whew. Thursday we're going to sort kilt photos into playing cards so that I can clip them in Photoshop.


funfairiegirl said...

I FORBID Tattoo Boyfriend from getting his skirt blown up. though he didn't actually put the kilt on this year. Or last actually. But yeah, it is forbidden. Which I think is funny. But his nether regions are mine and mine alone. No anon willy wrangling from us.

I don't think he would go for the willy warmer under there either. I think the mens like the freeness of it all. Although maybe if it was cashmere he would go for it.

Happygoth said...

Well, generally we'd like the privates to be kept private (we're mostly just looking for good thigh shots), but some guys are a little friendlier than others. I don't know that they want the willy warmers, but I want them to have them.

Hee hee. Cashmere willy warmer.