Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I'm going to re-link the redirect for my blog to my Wordpress account (I like its usability better). If you have linked from here, you'll need to re-link to happygoth.wordpress.com, or the catch-all, zombiedrag.com.


Real post later.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I am dumber than the ChickenGoddess.

How smart are you?
Am-I-Dumb.com - Intelligence Test

I think it was that question about the dimes.

Dear Atlanta:

When making a right-hand turn, please ascertain that (1) you are in the correct lane to make said turn and (2) there are no cars in the way to impede your progress as you make said turn.

I honestly don't care if you have your blinker on and are driving an enormous land yacht. Really, I don't. You didn't hit me but you came very close.

Thank you,


(p.s. I finished the feather and fan scarf! Yay! My third finished object ever. I will post photos later, once I have them and am done feeling righteously indignant)

Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh, I'm a design whore.

I bought a CD just now both because I like the music and because the cover art is pretty and decently well-designed. I'm such a sucker.

The image “http://www.yourstandardlife.com/images/KateHavnevik_Melanktoncover.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Yup. Total design whore.

Incidentally, she's from Oslo, which just further confirms my belief that Scandinavians make superior music to that of the rest of the world.

Another Thing I Am Knitting

This one is my very favorite project right now. Remember how I mentioned that I had a nice surprise in happening upon StringTown when I was in Arkansas? Well, I did. Anyway, I was in Fort Smith, Arkansas, thinking life was dismal except for seeing my mom, when I was driving through downtown and saw a yarn shop that I had previously not known about. I commanded my mother to stop the car immediately (I was not actually driving, I just hoped you'd think so) and hopped out and went inside and 20 minutes later was the proud owner of this yarn:

The yarn is Boku (I labeled it incorrectly in Flickr), and the colorway is #11. The proprietress of the shop had knitted a lovely scarf out of colorway #12, and when I appeared to be unsure about purchasing it, added that the pattern came free with the purchase of yarn. And since it was quite affordable, I had to buy two whole skeins plus a pair of needles, and start knitting it that very afternoon!

This photo is the progress I have made on the scarf:

It's really very easy. It's the Easy Feather and Fan Scarf, and the completed portion is about, oh, maybe 6 hours of work. It's my very first lace project, and I can do it now without looking at the pattern. Seriously - if you haven't done lace before, this is a great project to start with, especially since the yarn stripes up so nicely (though you could knit it with whatever you wanted, I'd imagine).

Detail of the pattern and color change.

I think I ought to have this finished in a couple of weeks, depending on how much free time I have to spend on it. I'm also thinking that this might be a good gift for those who don't knit. I have several friends with cold necks.

My next (new) project will be a Kent Treble Bob scarf. I have to re-learn how to cable first, though. But now I know how to do the rest, so I'm dangerous.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I can has LOLcat plz?

Your Score: SurpriseAdoption Cat

37% Affectionate, 51% Excitable, 17% Hungry

Calloused. Heartless. Exuberant. You carry the heavy burden of informing children that they are adopted by jumping out of their birthday cake. A difficult task, but somebody must break the news to children on their only day of happiness.

To see all possible results, checka dis.

Go Ahead! Bid!

But know that VSA will probably get it back, anyhow.

VSA's Arc Award

I love my job.

At Knitsch this past weekend, plus some photos of knitting

So.... I went to Knitsch this past weekend with the Chicken Goddess and discovered Yul there (much to my surprise). The folks who knit on Sundays (and other days of the week, I'm sure) are awesome and I had a great time. I'm totally going back this weekend. And I took some photos:

Jane had a birthday, so we had champagne. And still knitting happened. It was amazing.

This is Jane, the reason for the champagne. She and the Chicken Goddess are psychic twins. It's spooky.

Olivia sat next to me and knit the tiniest. vest. ever. It was very soft.

Evil Science Chick and her Obligatory Nose Warmer.

The Gang. Well, some of them. Claudia, Post Modern Artisan, the ChickenGoddess, and Yul (who, sadly, has no blog).

The progress for the day was that I started a baby hat, which is looking like it's going to be much bigger than a baby head. I suppose that's why babies get bigger, yes? So they can fit into my knitting? Obviously.

It's not much to look at yet, but the yarn is great and I've included the pattern for reference. I'm knitting the cap (not the things with the tassels), and I plan on doing some I-cord embellishments. I can make this work! Baby heads are kinda big and bobbly, right?

That's all for now. More later. Maybe less photos.

I will eat all the leaves on this tree.

Mostly for the ChickenGoddess, per our conversation about Eddie Izzard and the evil giraffes:

Heh. Heh heh. And now we know.

More at 5:00. Now to Bob with the weather.

Not really. There is no Bob.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I know this is not particularly related to the usual topics, but I promised a friend I'd post it:

"These very cute puppies need a home. Please help. If you are not able to adopt one, please send this email [editor's note: link to the blog] to your friends. Maybe we can help these cuties from going to animal control.


Anne Rule
telephone: (four oh four) two one nine - four oh six four

Scott rescued 6 black lab (mix) puppies out of the middle of the road on Saturday. PLEASE help me find them homes - otherwise, it's Animal Control - which means they only have 5 days. We've bathed them, sprayed them for fleas and wormed them....but we can't keep them. They are currently in a kennel in my basement since I don't have a fence. I've lost count of the number of rescue groups that I've contacted, only to be turned down due to no room. Please check with every dog person you know to see if they need a puppy.

Christi "

I know there are soft-hearted people in the Hotlanta area. If you think that you want one or know someone who does, or know for sure of a shelter that will take them, please email me and let me know (or call the lady). This was sent to me this morning, so we've got a little under a week.

Oy. I'm such a bleeding heart.

Plus, I found my squid hat project! I'll post more about that later.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This is late, but what the hey.

Congratulations to the Most Beautiful Couple in the Universe [TM] who got married this past weekend.

Untapped Potential

Last night, instead of doing the cleaning around the house that I desperately need to do in preparation for the house guest we'll be having with us this weekend, I went to Jennie Breeden's house to help her sort through kilt photos. After eating much steak and chocolate cake (remember the cake - it figures in later) we sat down for the sorting. [For the uninformed, we were sorting through photos from DragonCon, during which we had set up in a corner of the Mariott lobby with a leafblower, photographer, and model release forms, and then proceeded to photograph men getting their "skirts" blown up by Jennie (shhhhhh.... keep it on the down-low). Affirmative action at its best.] I have never seen so many hairy man parts in my entire life (and I was present for the actual event, having been the one in charge of the release forms), and it got me to thinking; I don't know that I ever knew where the site was, but at Knitch this past weekend I saw photos of a certain gentleman and his "willy warmer." I have had the revelation that the kilt event is an untapped goldmine of men who desperately need said "willy warmer." It's got to get drafty under the kilt, and I know we women would not object (I mean, really - I think you're lying if you say you'd like to see that much anonymous wang).

Sooooo... yeah. And then when I got home with the remains of my cake, I dropped the cake onto my half-finished Easy Feather and Fan Scarf (I'll post pictures soon) that I started after visiting StringTown, which was a marvelously pleasant surprise to an otherwise Arkansas visit to the parents (yes, I'm using Arkansas as an adjective, and yes, I think it's appropriate). Miraculously, even though icing sat on it all night, the knitting has escaped unscathed although I had to toss the Knitsch bag it was living in.

Whew. Thursday we're going to sort kilt photos into playing cards so that I can clip them in Photoshop.

Monday, September 24, 2007

RIP Marcel Marceau.

BoingBoing informs me that he passed away yesterday at the age of 84. I have always loved mimes, and he was the greatest. (Actually, I had no idea he was still living, so this was not much of a shock to me.)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

This post is a stub.

And then I'd add that little "you can expand this post by adding to it" thing that Wikipedia says, only you can't do that, so there.

Yesterday I went to an SCA event, at which I did much fencing, and today I went to Knitsch to hang out and knit with the Chicken Goddess and Friends (no Muppets involved, unfortunately). It was very busy, as apparently happens after a big event such as the Yarn Harlot visiting, and I got some knitting done but not as much as I'd hoped. I am making a baby hat for a friend and I screwed up the gauge so I had to start over with smaller needles. I believe I have now learned my lesson about doing a test swatch first. However, the hat is still bigger than baby-sized, so I think I'll give it to the friend and tell her the baby will have to grow into it. Then I frustrated myself trying to remember how to do cabling, and have decided to call it quits for the evening, and get a refresher on Knitting Help.


And I have this to say to Universal Pictures: The firm is pronounced "bee bee dee oh", not "bee bee dee and oh". You do not pronounce the "and" in BBD&O.

Thank you.

(There'll be photos soon. This is all out of order).

Friday, September 21, 2007


I don't currently crochet, but I might have to start. I mean, teeny cephalopods! How cool is that?



See? Awesome.

Simply Orgasmic.

I want absolutely everything on this site. I think I’ll start with the Snow White, though. It looks like a simple enough pattern for a first sweater, right?


An Explanation.

I imagine that if you don't already understand the title of the blog, you're probably confused and perhaps slightly annoyed, but never fear - I do have a reason (and it's a good one). Having gone to hear Stephanie Pearl McPhee talk at Knitsch this past Wednesday, and then having been inspired to blog about knitting, I found myself wondering what to call the blog. I recalled a conversation I had with Mouse and the Chicken Goddess about why it is a Bad Idea to anger knitters - this conversation was following SPM, aka the Yarn Harlot telling the assembled throng about Those Who Do Not Understand Knitting and Therefore Belittle It Much to the Chagrin of Others, or TWDNUKTBMCO, which is not the acronym she used but is the one I'm using because I forgot hers - that is, we are numerous and we all have very pointy sticks, easily transforming into an angry mob.

Therefore, knitters = angry mob. You'd do well not to anger us.

Also, I need to finish my socks. I found myself looking down at my feet, which at this moment are clad in uninteresting blue store-bought socks (with a penguin at the top only I know about because it's under my pants leg), and feeling very forlorn, since I have an exciting pair of unfinished knitted by me socks in a tote bag in my living room.

And now I know why other knitters love knitting socks so much. I understand! It's like a bolt of lightning! In the shape of blue store-bought penguin socks! Hooray!